Prop 2: Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act

Suffolk County is sustained by the waters that surround us.

We swim, surf, boat, and fish in our bays and harbors and get our drinking water from the sole source aquifer beneath our feet.

We’re drawn to the island by its spectacular beaches, idyllic parks and preserves, and are nourished by local farms, vineyards, and fisheries.

But our way of life is at risk due to pollution in our water.

Nitrogen pollution from outdated infrastructure threatens our way of life.

Scientific research shows that nitrogen pollution from untreated sewage is suffocating our bays and harbors and is in our drinking water. The harmful effects of excess nitrogen are far reaching from beach closings, fish kills, and harmful algal blooms to possible linkages to cancer.

Restoring clean, healthy water requires drastically reducing nitrogen pollution from its main source – 380,000 nitrogen-polluting cesspools and septic systems.

In the general election on November 5, Suffolk County voters can choose a clean water future.

Vote YES on Prop 2

Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act

Protect Clean Water

The Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act would expand sewers and provide tax-free grants to homeowners to replace polluting septic systems with clean water technology.

Make Upgrades Affordable

The Act would make wastewater infrastructure affordable to residents and businesses. If approved by voters, the Act would create a fund, financed by an 1/8 of a penny increase to the county sales tax.

Improve Suffolk County

The funding could only be used to improve water quality in Suffolk County. This funding would unlock a major opportunity to qualify for federal and state funding available for local clean water projects.

Create Good Jobs

The Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act would create thousands of good jobs, revitalize business districts, increase property values, and restore our local bays and harbors.


Vote Yes for Clean Water and Jobs is a broad coalition of scientists, labor unions, conservationists, building trades, and business groups advocating for the passage of the Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act on the November 5, 2024 general election ballot.